Saturday, April 20, 2019

Still Kingdom Gospel....transition....not Grace

Turn to Acts chapter 3 and let us rightly divide the word of Truth.  When you study the Holy Scriptures, if you try to make the scriptures adhere to your religion, your traditions, or your beliefs, you miss the teachings, which is Truth. I will make a few points from this chapter, and indeed, not covering the entire chapter.  Just a few things to think on.
Peter and John,  are two of the 12 that are preaching what they have been taught by the Lord Jesus Christ in His earthly ministry. It is preached they are out on the "great commission".  While that is a whole study in itself, and one that people fight, Jesus preached and taught the disciples to preach only to the Lost sheep of the House of Israel. And they were to teach, the Kingdom of God to come.
This is an extension, better in my thinking a transition of the Scriptures. (Gotta add this note. Acts is a transition from the Old Testament or Covenant, to Pauls writings, and after Pauls writings,  back to where Stephen left off in His sermon before His execution, or better yet, the refusal and I call it the final refusal of Israel to repent and believe The Lord Jesus Christ, was the Son of God, but more on that later)

Here in this teaching, no one has told them of the body of Christ, departure of temple worship, the works of our Lord of Salvation through the Cross of Calvary. They still operate under Kingdom preaching of John the Baptist and The Lord Jesus Christ.  They do know Jesus was crucified, but the "grace message" was not yet given. (Later called the message to the uncircumcised)

Chapter 3 verse 6 states, "In the Name of Jesus...rise up and walk."  What is being taught here? Well it is not the grace message, as it has not yet been revealed. That is brought forth by Paul later in this transition book.
It is an extension of their early ministry. (Learn a term, dispensational)  Believe on the name of Jesus that He is the Messiah and Son of God.
That is clarified in verse 16.  "And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong..."

Now here is one of the greatest things you have to see in this study, Go to verse 19 and you will see the offer, and one of the last offers, for Israel to repent of their rejection of Christ, and be what God intended from the Abrahamic Covenant and to be the people to bring the Gentiles into the Kingdom. One of which they flat rejected.

Read verse 19.  "Repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord"

Their national repentance will come when?  "When the times f refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord".

Look on to verst 21. When? "Until the  times of restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of His Holy Prophets since the world began."
You just do not hear that preached very often. When is the time you have heard that preached?

If they would repent, they could see the Kingdom of God which is what they wanted all through Matthew, Luke, Mark, and John.  Give us the kingdom was their cry time after time.  And the Kingdom was in their midst!
They even ask in Acts 1, "when will you restore the Kingdom?".

This is one of the last offers of the Kingdom. What did they do? Rejected it. The stoning of Stephen settled the issue and as usual more on that later.  Just a few precepts upon precepts.

Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needed not to be ashamed......
More later.

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