Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A few truths from Luke

Thought you might enjoy some nuggets of truths from the Book of Luke.

70% of references to Jerusalem occur if Lukes' writings of Luke and Acts. 

Luke Chapter 1-19 Focus on Israel.
Luke 19-Acts 8 (14 Chapters) Are Jerusalem oriented.
This is the heart of Israel.
But as rejection, doubt and unbelief manifest itself, we see the shift to the Gentile nation of Rome
Acts 8-Acts 28 Focus goes from Jerusalem to Rome the center of Rome thus the Gentiles.

In Luke Chapter 3 the genealogy shows Jesus the Messiah in the lineage of King David.
But in Chapter 4 16-30 Rejection by His own people already begins.
By Luke 7 we see the Gentile are already beginning to accept Jesus while the Jews are already rejecting Him.  In spite of all the scriptures, prophecies, and preaching of the Prophets, they have no clue who Jesus is. Wow!

In Lukes writings of Acts 
     Chapter 8 Samaria is center
     Chapter 9 Damascus is centered
     Chapter 10 Caesarea is the center
     Chapter 11 Antioch is centered
     By Acts 28 the shift is to Rome, the center of the Gentiles.
Basically the Acts story of Luke, begins in Israel, moves to Jerusalem, and then moves to the Gentiles.
Unbelief has it's price to pay.

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