Sunday, May 2, 2021

 The Love will wax cold

Matthew 24 Verse 9-14, Jesus declares "All these are the beginning of sorrows"

Still some time left, this is the beginning of sorrows 

Sorrows have a working to do, and there is plenty of time to do that work.....

Much is ahead for all of us here……more pestilence….more hatred….

More covid 19 like events. Jesus words, "Just the beginning" of sorrows

More giving of our freedoms as a result of fear of the people....a fear so strong it rules that generation.......sound familiar? A giving of freedoms to take away our ability to worship our God.


All of this scripture is tied together……chapters and verses were added later after the 'Scriptures were written, so the flow of scripture rolls on.


Matthew 24:9-10 Love of many will wax cold

Verse 11  What will bring is about? 

     False prophets shall arise

                 Shall deceive many

            It will be a time of Great deception


Verse 12 And because iniquity shall abound, …


Matthew began with these words, “and because” which means “and consequently, since and on account that” iniquity” which means “willingly disregarding of all that God is and God teaches ........a willful violation of the law of God” “shall abound”.


Matthew shared how Jesus presented the idea of “violation of God’s law,(Scriptures) wickedness and evil” growing exceedingly in the days before His coming.


The general idea of iniquity or of acts that reflect rebellion against God is the basic one and  as specific acts that demonstrate a determined refusal to acknowledge God.


Present day in our country and the church, Sin is not only tolerated and celebrated it is actually legislated in the politics and religion of today and accepted as ok by the masses to include professing christians


We were warned by Paul, of men (Professors, make believers) would be  having a form of Godliness……..1 Tim 4:1, 2 Tim 3:1-5, 2 Tim 4:3-4

                                                                Romans 1:18-24



Romans 1- 18-24 READ


 "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 


God is in full control (I pray this daily)

This world is on the exact timeline and course you God told us in the word, that it would be…..You are in FULL control…..

The only hope we have from the ruling political parties in control in Washington and antichrist spirit ruling man and the church and modern day religion spirit is you God…….

This political antichrist system has saturated to the core of the political parties in control and the church religious system.

God please help me to live above them and separate me from them. 

Let me do my part  to separate myself from these. 

Let their snares consume themselves. Let their unGodliness show me the true pattern and righteous life.

Let them be caught in their own snares and those who follow them



But he who endures to the end shall be saved" (Matt 24:12-14).

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