Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Easter Bunny and the Resurrection

 Easter Bunny and resurrection


I did not even bother to seek out scriptures normally used for Resurrection, as they are rejected as false by most.  Tradition of this new age church has taken  precedence over Scripture. 


It is amazing how scriptures hold truth…..all scripture is inspired truth by Holy Spirit….they are truth but still the majority that claim they seek after truth do not see the truth.


There are 33,000 different views on the same scriptures (denominations).  And according to most of these personal testimonies, their view is correct. 

I conclude there are 32,999 views that are wrong.


The season we are in is passover, crucifiction, resurrection, and what are the "truths" associated with these days.


As far as Passover and what we call Easter, The easter bunny has more credibility in the eyes of most, and the Bunny just keeps going and going.  

Most children and sadly many adults hook up with the Easter bunny over Passover and resurrection every time. Santa verses Jesus every year, and how many times does Santa win out?


Is it sad in our day of modern church, the Easter bunny and Santa have more clout than Jesus


The Saducees and Pharisees who were the religious tops of that day, preach about resurrection, but inn odds with the true resurrection, and you would be cast out to disagree. (as today)


Jesus preached where I go you can not come….John 13:33, 7:34, 8:21

Preachers of that day were declaring their father Abraham, and Jesus truth meant little to most.


Jesus (Yeshua) response to them, “‘I know that you are Abraham’s descendants, but you seek to kill Me, because My word has no place in you.  I speak what I have seen with My Father, and you do what you have seen with your father’… Then they said to Him, ‘We were not born of fornication; we have one Father – God.’” They accused Him of being the result of fornication. Notice they preach "their truths" but know not the resurrection when He came into their midst.

  John 8:37-41



It is just a fact, Most of what people believe is based on what they desire…..not the truth

Most believe what good desirous things the preachers they have heard in past ….especially the ones we like……easy to misinterpret the rest…and no one would lead them astray.


I believe it this way is what they declare.  Heard 33,000 times...all claim truth.


Can we handle the truth…..

John 8:32 says about truth, and you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free

You will never be free until you know truth.


Parable of sower is JESUS sermon on truth and It fully describes the 33,000 beliefs

Most There did not get it…..


What Jesus says about it.


Some seed fell on stony ground….some got choked out…….

Be careful who you hear preach…..Jesus preached contrary to all in that day

He did not line up with the religion of His day. You know, the ones on TV, You Tube, Pastors, the ones who share only truth…..Yes I am pointing out the 33,000. 

Bottom line 75% did not get the truth, and only 25% got the truth.....but on the same note, only 25% sought to understand, the rest had no clue, and no chance to understand it through their rejections of truth Jesus (Yeshua)  teaching. (I know the 5 figures or numbers only a representation of the truth taught here, so save you comments and emails. Try seeing the message) The fact remains, only a few was preached to, and the rest were cut off.

One big note here, Jesus (Yeshua) made no attempt to change the minds or opinions of the 75%. We should fear and tremble when we see and understand that fact.  As fact, He only preached to the 25% thereafter. And add to that, His teaching was to only those of the 25%f that followed and ask of Him to teach them the truth. 

Jesus did not spend his time with people who had no desire to be transformed and made holy. These people wanted what Jesus was offering.

He didn’t spend his time in unholy ways with people doing unholy things. He spent his time in holy ways with people who understood their own unholiness, unrighteousness and wanted to follow Him and have their righteousness brought about through His Truths. The self-righteous religious leaders of the day who did not recognize their own unholiness and. Un-cleaness considered the people Jesus spent time with as “unclean” or “not holy” but they were basing those judgements on the wrong things handed down from their religious leaders and their own self righteousness...... Jesus knew each man’s heart. He did not spend time with the unholy religious leaders, and instead spent time with people who wanted to become holy.

It matters what you believe and who you hear deliver those "truths"

A remnant heard and had truth..... sorry I gotta say it, the rest left with the easter bunny and Santa. (The latter use of Santa is so real that my spell correct automatically capitalized the word.) 


We base what we believe on places and people we consider as places we will get the truth……surely we can get the truth here. My pastor or Sunday school teaching would never lead me astray is our thoughts....but 33,000 says it all. 

Sorry but we must: 

2 Timothy 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

We will be held responsible for what we believe and declare truth.


But Jesus did not preach in places with people that should be "truth places and peoples" (churches and Sunday schools)

He was not welcomed in those places.


He preached where the few would believe and seek Him out to follow His real truth….not the message presented by "truth people’s and places".

The truths did not exist among many of the assembly places and clergy of that time. So Jesus did not fit in "people's truths" and those who taught it.


Jesus preached so many would not hear….(Matthew 13) Yea places and people that should know truth but yet only knew resemblance or shadow of truth, but really knew no truth. In a message taught by Christ…..with only truth, most turned away……only 25v% of the people hearing JESUS, got the truth……the rest just continued on. They could not recognize truth. 


Fact is you have heard truth……you know what truth really is…..but yet the truth does not suit us……so we just stay where we are comfortable


DISCIPLES (true disciples)  followed after Jesus while most walked away and had no idea what Jesus preached to them in Matthew 13…..and as it is so today.


All manner of people have an idea of what their truth is……whether it is truth or not


Truth has to be seeked after, and it ususally does not fit in to this religion of today. Only 

remnants know the truth.


The concept of the bodily resurrection of the dead goes back to ancient Jewish history, perhaps to Eve's reaction to the death of her son Abel. 


The old saints just believed God… great Spiritual sermons…..a revelation of A simple truth……God is!

But certainly to Abraham's faith that God would raise Isaac from the dead after offering him up as a burnt offering (Genesis 22:1-14; Hebrews 11:17-19). 


How did the "children of Abraham" loose the truth Abraham had?

Abraham had truth. 

The religious children lost it but did not know it. They even preached the false way Abraham did not teach them. Truth turned to fable.




Among many of the Jews beliefs, that those buried outside of Israel will somehow be transported to the land, though it is preferable  to be buried in the land of promise. 

This explains why Joseph wanted his bones to be taken from Eygpt to Israel (Hebrews 11:22). 


Easter will disclose truth to those who seek the truth, even if it tears up their our belief system.

For sure truth will not convert all. The easter bunny will live on..


Faith in the bodily resurrection of the dead is a major doctrine of Orthodox Judaism. In fact, the second blessing of the Amidah  recited no less than three times a day by observant Jews, clearly references the resurrection of the dead. 




Christian Views of Resurrection


The resurrection of the dead  is of paramount importance for the Christian faith, and faith in the bodily resurrection of JESUS  (Yeshua) from the dead is a cornerstone  of saving faith.



 The Scriptures make clear that Jesus (Yeshua) is the true Passover  Lamb of God 

whose sacrificial death and shed blood causes the wrath of God to "pass over"  those who are trusting in Him (John 1:29, 3:36; Acts 8:32-36; 1 Cor. 5:7-8; 1 Pet. 1:18-20).


 Worthy is the Lamb who was slain! (Rev. 5:12). But while the sacrifice of Jesus ( Yeshua) gives us atonement  with God, the resurrection of the Messiah  justifies His work of salvation on behalf of the sinner and forever vindicates the righteousness of God. 


The miracle of raising Lazarus from the dead is set down in John 11:1-46. 

Jesus (Yeshua) knew that his friend was dying, yet he didn't rush to his side to heal him.

He allowed that tragedy to run its course in order to exhibit the power of God:

 "Lazarus is dead, and I am glad for your sakes that I was not there, so that you may believe.…" (John 11:14,15) 


When Jesus (Yeshua) finally arrived at Bethany, Lazarus had been dead four days. Jesus (Yeshua) told the dead man's sister Martha, "Your brother shall rise again."(v.23)

Martha replied that she knew Lazarus would rise again in the resurrection at the last day. Jesus (Yeshua's) next comments are very telling:

Jesus said unto her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth  in Me shall live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die."(v.25,26)


Not enough?

The next occurrence of resurrection reported in the New Testament took place at the moment of Jesus (Yeshua's) own death.


Matthew 27:52-53

"And the tombs were opened; and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many."   


 Humanity, religious, church  in its flawed state is not capable of perfection except through divine intervention. Resurection, Easter Bunny? You know!


Just a note here. If you notice I put the Name of Yeshua, which is the true name of Jesus in Parenthesis. Just a way of letting you know, you really need to seek the scriptures and see what they should really say. If I use that name in the pulpit, I am considered a person walking in error. No easter bunnies for me.






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