Tuesday, April 21, 2020

What is the 70 weeks of Daniel?

Daniel 9:24 
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.

6 Things are determined here. This means they are going to happen.

It is very clear as to who this is speaking. This message is speaking to Daniel's people. The Jews. This is not about the church, it is not about the gentiles. It is determined upon the Jewish people.

It is determined not upon Cairo, Not upon Moscow, not even Washington.  It is the Holy City, Jerusalem. It is a working for a failure to believe God. What a price to pay.

6 purposes for 490 years.

The first 3 have to do with the sin of Israel and the last 3 with the Kingdom.

1.  "to finish the transgression".  This will bring and end to the rebellion and apostasy that send Israel into dispersion to begin with.  
2.  "To make an end of sins".  Israel as a nation will turn to fellowship with God after tasting this Devine captivity and dispersement.
3.  "To make reconciliation for iniquity".  a restoring to bring a covering of past sins through this new belief in Messiah
4.  "to bring in everlasting righteousness".  God will restore Israel in which righteousness will reign.
5.  " To seal up vision and prophecy".  God will bring about the restoration of Israel into their rightful standing as he intended in His covenants.
6.  "To anoint  the Most Holy".  The Messiah will be restored in the restoration of the temple. 

All of this is God's faithfulness to His original covenants, and his Holy Word  revealed through His old prophets and scriptures. ( this is a future study)

God will restore Israel. His word will be accomplished. Not the church....His people.

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