Sunday, April 5, 2020

Our view on the Corona Virus.

While this is a serious matter, the Biblical approach for the true believers is recorded in 2 Timothy 1:7
For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 

I am 67 yrs old and have never seen this country operate in so much fear. It is a platform for failure.  Fear breeds failure. 

Recovery of this virus will not come in a Godless order of a remedy. The world is seeking economic recovery, a "back to normal", time to bring back the stadiums full of screaming people, rock concerts free of fear of disease, and I could go on and on. Just the good ole life we used to have. Living for the moment, all the pleasure that can be gotten. It all left in just a few hours. Out of nowhere. 
The governments are doing all they know to do, but can not stop the germ that has overcome every facet of life. The germ that stopped all of life.
I am not an economic genius, but I am smart enough to know, no country can print the amount of money that this country is printing and it cause any kind of normal economic future. Our economic future is exactly what men have sowed for is time to pay the fiddler.
There is one on the horizon, that has the answers, at least temporarily......which will come in declaring peace and safety, the most religious one this generation has ever that will be able to get the Jews and the Arabs and Isis, to agree to a peace deal......and the world will be in party mode to see all the good things, or seemingly good things.......probably even able to control the germ?

What is this virus?  A preview of what our future holds......or at least the world holds........
This virus has separated the believers and professors just another distance.......further apart....
How much have you heard of the answer to all this is to pray and seek God to deliver us from all this?  Little to none, even out of the churches......even out of the ministry......

These are various signs which point to the end of the church age and the revelation of the Antichrist, but they are a mystery to unbelievers.  All this should cause all to look to the Father to aid and deliver us in this time, and the true church is looking to him. 

The best man can do is print money, hoard food and toilet paper and hope the face mask will deliver them.

As for me, I see more than a world out of control. I see a God that is still in control.
Most people to include the religious,  naively think they can bring peace and prosperity and some resemblance of hope though all of this to the world without being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ, without honoring His Word and its moral principles.
Their disillusionment will be very big.

I wish you success in trying to find a solution to all this without the aid of God. Give it the best shot you can. Enjoy your stimulus check. But God will be there with outstretched arms, for those who see the futility of seeking a solution with out God.
I look to my God and look for His working in all of this. Can I get the virus? Sure, I am not exempt. But I rather trust in a God that has never failed me yet.

Life will never be the same. Now you are told when you can go to church, worship, go to work, what you can buy in the stores, and when. It is all gone.....Constitutional? What is that to the thought processes in all this. 
I will not make a blame game out of all of this. I have a peace that passes all understanding in all this. I have not fear of an unknown germ, or the results of it. I was raised that you had good common sense to use to guide you in life. It has got me through 67 years of life, a military life, and business life, and most of all, a life turned to God. I do not need an arm of flesh to deliver me, I need my God. 
If all you do to deal with all of this does not work out, I know a man that can......1 Corinthians 15:1-4. He is standing there waiting. When you get tired of getting tired, He is there...
There will be no remedy without God in the process. 
Be safe, be careful, and prayers to all of you.

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