Saturday, June 4, 2022

God moved Abraham out of the Adam Culture

Gen 12:1-3

12 Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee:

2 And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing:

3 And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

 A Picture we need to see and understand

Since Eden with Adam and Eve, the world is in total deception.

Babel and Abraham days are in ages of Global deception

Global deception ruled the world at that time. 

The entirety of the world was pagan and followed other Gods.

Paganism set for the world who choose it

 Abraham came from the very heart of the world system.  Adamic culture 

God did not take the Adam culture out of Abrams life, Abram had to leave it…..get away from it. Joshua 24:2 Terach, Abrams father,  And the world was following false Gods.

God did not take out of the land, the false Gods, When Abram left out of his country, the Adam culture was still there, unchanged, unaltered. 

 You will not change the Adam culture…… got to leave it.

 What did God say I want you to do? I want you to get out of there.

Through God, the calling of Abraham and his descendents bring about this move of God to save the world.

Also God again is re-establishment of the Sovereignty of the Kingdom of God  in a people on the Earth.

More later, but God’s kingdom does not suffer in the Adam culture…..His Kingdom is coming…….His kingdom is established…..His kingdom if forever.

God is also fulfilling the covenant with Adam and Eve, of establishing the blood line of which Jesus will come out of… fulfill the Fathers will and establish His kingdom “on earth as it is in Heaven”

This great Adamic potential or the salvation to the descendants of Adam, to actually be part of the God-Family, will be realized here on this earth, in human history, not in some realm beyond this world.

It is all taking place today and has been through the ages to those who will feel the Father God drawing. 

Just reality, The kingdom of God, is NOT being done here on earth now as it is in heaven.

You can count on it though, This kingdom will come and God’s will is assured on this earth as it is in heaven.

Adam had the choice, but Because of Adam, 

Salvation for those of Israel, both individual and collective as the people of God, must be worked out in the rugged arena of Adamic culture……………….

There are no shortcuts. 

Your salvation must stand the test in the midst of​ this Adam culture. 

God is not taking you out of the Adam culture…..


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