Sunday, September 5, 2021

The Fastness of end time Events

 The warp speed of the end day events

Monday, August 30, 2021

6:56 AM

A short while ago we taught of how that it seems now that God is now moving on a world wide scale.

And now we see how fastly world shattering events are taking place.

We have had a couple of world wars that affected all of the world, but now we are seeing diseases, shortages, and nations falling that are affecting the whole world. All happening at record progressions and speed.

Drought and famine—lack of rain and lack of food—will stalk the earth on a massive scale never seen before. Yes, these things will become much, much worse.


This  system is going to completely change your everyday lifestyle and ways and deny you your life as you know it now. A drastic change is in the works.


A world-shaking crisis is seemingly with a controlled design and will, in the near future, explode the appearance of normalcy that still is in command of our Western lifestyle at this time.


You need to know that the progression of disturbing news stories is not random and inconsequential. 

In fact, they foreshadow remarkable key trends and specific events that will change everything you are familiar with in the next few years! And yes, God is in full control.

How can anyone know the future for sure? Who really understands the big picture?  There is only one Source who really knows what will happen

We need keen discernment to recognize and resist this end time spirit.

 Jesus predicted that deception will be so rampant in the last days that even the elect would be deceived “if it were possible” (Mt. 24:24). 


These things that are now happening show how bankrupt of workable solutions our leaders and governments are and how incapable they are at working out these things that are affecting the world. (You can not overcome the Devine)

Anyone who has the least inkling of understanding can see that these problems are only of a Spiritual realm. All the wisdom and understanding of this secular world where God has been outlawed and is devoid of any part of it in the lives of these leaders and people will try secular solutions to only be stressed when they see that these things are unaffected by their best efforts, and yet they hold not a clue of what is happening. 

You must understand we are living in the end days. Days we were warned of time after time in the Holy Scriptures. These things that seemed as myths and fairy tales are now beginning to be reality and few have a clue as to why all these things are taking place.

People are so far removed from the truth of Scriptures, they have no sense of what is going on.

The news stations, the committees of our governments only see these things as the most important news story of the day to find tomorrow one of greater significance has surfaced.

We account these as the most important news story of our generation will be. What is the biggest event that will shake the entire earth within the lifetime of most of you? 

Hundreds of millions of people are going to be affected with this fast change  Your entire life is about to change. Events will unfold soon to destroy the Western world’s way of life as we have known it.

These things should be understood by all who see and  experience them…..Jesus has already warned us of this day.

Luke 21:36

“Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21:36).

The Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke each contain an account of Christ teaching His disciples what to watch for before He returns. 

Luke wrote, “So you also, when you see these things happening, know that the kingdom of God is near. Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will by no means pass away” (Luke 21:31–33).

Evidently, the fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy would happen within the lifetime of one generation—once again, the speed of things affecting the world  relative to that specific time period begin is going to be beyond most people to even understand what these things mean. Mens hearts will fail them as they see what is taking place

Luke 21:26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken..  

This is a Devine time period. A direct move of God.   The entire world is gripped with a sense of impending crisis. …Faster and Faster, man and governments can not keep up with the problems and solutions in this devine ordering of events.

How much longer can world tensions be kept in check? How long can our leaders and governments keep and maintain a lifestyle of any kind of normal at all. ... 


Look at the change in one year with the disease or judgement of covid 19. Is this a normal lifestyle?……Not only is covid a judgement, but it is also what the new normal will be…..governments and leaders that can not any longer, maintain any normal laws or acts. 

All of the great minds of the world can not undo or gain control of this disease. The best and all the money man has thrown at it, has made little to no gains. The best man can do is come up with a vaccine in which you still can contact the disease and thousands are still dying. 


There is a split of the people of the world over vaccines and taking of them.

There is a movement to make laws to force all to take the vaccine if you wish to travel on planes, go into certain buildings such as financial institutions…..all a resemblance or better a forerunner of the mark of the beast that you must have to buy, sell, or trade (Rev 13). Yet it seems few understand…..


It is impossible for  most  to overlook the impressive and almost unprecedented character of the age in which we live. Events, as rapid in their succession as they are startling in their magnitude, fulfills what Jesus said of the " just beginning of sorrows…" (Matthew 24:8)  All these are the beginning of sorrows.



What are we to take of all this rapid succession of events, the doctrines we have held are become a strange sounding doctrine.

The church has been added to and taken away until it has no resemblance to the early church. The timeline that God set up is swiftly ticking away…man is the trigger to all these events.


Look at what has happened to His People, their promised land, and His word to His people. The history reveals the story of modern day.



The first many thousand Believers were Jews; but following Yeshua’s death on the cross the gospel message was taken to gentiles.

Its acceptance seemed to explode and gentile church leadership emerged with an opposition to a Jewish influence of the scriptures.

The Jewishness was all removed and is still that way today.


Look at what God says concerning the Jew:

Zech 8:23

 Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.


The rejected Jew is the very ones to show us in these end times our way of Salvation.

You don't hear that in the pulpits do you? Not from pulpits that have rejected the Jewish way of God. 

That is not the way of the New Testament Assembly here we teach God's word. We study the Torah, the prophets, the oral word and the traditions of the Jewish teachings and the New Testament. 

God pulled these Hebrew or Jewish people out through Abraham  and God declares this for Israel:


“I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”

Genesis 12:1-3


For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent, for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet, till her righteousness shines out like the dawn, her salvation like a blazing torch.

Isaiah 62:1


Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they that love thee shall prosper. Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces. For my brethren and companions’ sakes, I will say now, peace be within thee. For the sake of the House of the Lord our God I will seek thy good.

Psalm 122


“I have posted watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will never be silent day or night. You who call on the LORD, give yourselves no rest, and give him no rest till he establishes Jerusalem and makes her the praise of the earth.”

Isaiah 62:6-7


Yet follow the way man has treated and rejected what God has declared for His people, Israel.

 The church today is just as guilty of taking all Jewish thought out of the scriptures and church.

All traces back to early in the 4th Century A.D.  Early in the formation of the church and God's people.


The  Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity, and at the Christian Council of Nicea what had been a mixed bag of mis-interpeted  policies and traditions developed by the many church assemblies became standardized into a list of firm doctrines that all churches located in the empire were to follow to the letter.


The message you are hearing today and the past is one that is born of 1800 years of manmade gentile church doctrines, itself a reflection of the earliest Church.  A church mandated by Roman religious leaders and tracing to the leader Constantine.


Thus we have the birth of the Roman Church. 

Thus the forefathers of our modern denominations can all be traced to the Roman Church or the teachings of such. Regardless of the leader or the government or declared religion of that day, God's law was made illegal and void and the  denominational church today has jumped right on board.


The Jewishness was all removed and is still that way today.

Thus we have the birth of the modern day Church.  This church has been added to and taken away until God says that it is enough. 


However there is the true church he built has the gates of Hell coming against it, but it will not succeed.


Matthew 16:18

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.


Daniel 11:32

 And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.

We may be grouped together but we are not the same.


Jesus taught in the parable of the sower, "Let them grow together" but there will be a time of reaping by the sower. (Matthew 13:30)

 Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.


Look at some of the modern day doctrines handed down through the ages. How do they line up to the Law as God laid it out?


     A doctrine based on the church replacing Israel as God’s chosen.

     A doctrine that says God’s law and His prophecy are dead and 

     gone and have all been nailed to the cross and are no longer valid. 


     The Biblical Feasts of God were outlawed in the church and deemed

     only for Israel.

     Passover was eliminated and replaced by Easter. 

     A carnal holiday added to religious circles known as Christmas

     The Sabbath or 7th day  was abolished, and instead the first day of the

     week or Sunday was adopted and accepted as the day God blessed.

     In our day and church men do not honor any Sabbath on the 7th day 

     or the 1st day. It has become a weekly holiday.


     Nowhere in the Scriptures are we commanded by God to worship on 

     Sabbath or Sunday, yet multiple denominations have been created

     because of it.


     The Greek New Testament, (first created a bit after 200 A.D.), was adopted 

     as the authorized Christian Bible and the Hebrew Scriptures 

     (the Old Testament) was pushed to the background and rendered as 

     generally irrelevant because it was too Jewish and Old Testament.



So we see the dismissal of the Old Testament, and today the formation of doctrines that bear little resemblance to Biblical commandments, making its own description of sin and Holiness,


This church has  turned the Jewish Jesus into the gentile Jesus,

Jesus has today in the modern era evolved from our Lord and Master, to our buddy and life’s co-pilot and a sugar daddy. 


The definition of sin became blurred and personally tailored to suit each individual and each denomination, and all by the church that bans the Holy Laws of God.


The concept of once-saved-always-saved became popularized, 

It seems that the Lord’s main purpose was reduced to helping us realize our personal dreams.


Worship services today are tending to de-emphasize holiness and reverence, and instead emphasized casualness, familiarity and social connection with the hashtags to show it all modern. 


The long standing doctrine of Replacement Theology was challenged when Israel returned as a nation of Jews in 1948, 

and so the church pushed back and made it clear that Christianity was indeed for the  gentile in its nature, and thatJewishness had no place within it 


Israel became essentially a Christian Bible theme park land that was being temporarily manned by Jews for the benefit of the Church and the tourist of the church. 


Thus we are a New Testament Church to the exclusion of the Old Testament. 

To venture into the Old Testament in any serious way was an affront to one’s Christian faith, and a danger that could damage or even turn us away from our relationship with Jesus.


Under modern religion  which I call the Gentileized or Americanized gospel  

The gentle and humble man Jesus did away with all of the requirements of the Old Covenant.

The God of the New Testament is not the God of the Old Testament. This new God has done away with all the Old Testament God and all he did and commanded.


 All modern day isms is a result of the changes by these influences  and the resulting denominational inspired beliefs that have ruled for ages now and have stripped away God's Devine instruction and  given new meaning to all Bible doctrine.

Genderism, marriage as God set up,  are redefined to the liking of antiGod groups and are ok to partake of regardless of God teachings and God's institutions. ally many of the denominations fully approve of these changes.


Denominations have become and are the interpreter of all spiritual and scriptural in the Americanized gentile doctrines


So today we are at the Devine speed of God of end day life…..He is giving us what we want instead of what He wants…….(for a season)

Jesus declares this to be a time of deception. Go to Matthew 24 and read for yourself….


Matthew 24:3-5; 24- 

And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

 4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. 

5 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many. 

24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.


The reason there are so many false prophets is because people do not want to hear the truth and the truth has been stripped from the denominational church. The church is rejecting absolute moral truth. They have made up their own definitions of what it is.


This rapid succesion world will not be preceded by signs or at least not as the false prophets are  declaring. 

How do we know that? 

We are told repeatedly that the end will come like a thief in the night.

Did the word of God lie and the end day prophets are right? Their signs will tell you when that day will be?  


Also, only the Father knows the day when Jesus will return.

Do we really think we can figure it out when even Jesus does not know the day?  Yet today we read and hear the modern day prophets of end times above what God has said.


Fiction books in the book stores concerning fictional scenarios of the last days are more believed and have become the accepted truth rather than the true preachers and teachers of God's word behind the pulpits.  


The antichrist is not going to take me or the true church over in the finality.

The kingdoms of this world will become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Rev. 11:15

And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.


There will be a following or as Daniel 9:26 declares that the "people of the prince to come will destroy the city and the sanctuary". The biggest following of the day will not be the true Church, but a follower of the antichrists. " A people of the prince"


Daniel 9:26

26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.



Our end day prophets declare as truth, that the only rapturees will be the Gentiles…..note they declare that only at the end of the tribulation will the Jews be taken back into the covenants.


The New Covenant as predicted in Jeremiah 31, and fulfilled in the divine Christ, was never about Jesus coming to void the Law (which His truth was stated in Matthew 5:17 – 20).

Rather it was about His sacrifice to save us from our sins and then the coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell us so that we could have a higher, deeper, and more spiritually correct devotion to it.

And of course, somewhat like Jesus' message at His 1st coming, the message will be hidden to all but the true believers and corrupted to take away the true meaning.



 Christianity, again of what I refer to as the Americanized and gentileized gospels, comes in far more forms and flavors than Judaism does, 

with some denominations believing that Christ was no more than a marvelous humanitarian and pacifist religious philosopher on the order of Gandhi. 


Others make deity of Jesus’s human mother Mary.


 Most Christians accept the newer half of God’s Word as relevant and the older half as irrelevant.


 There are those who believe that quite literally the young God of the New Covenant has replaced the old God of the Old Covenant. 


And we have another large denomination who believes that there is a 3rd testament that is kind of a book of corrections of the first two, so it trumps both the Old and New Testaments.


And this is but the tip of the iceberg.


The splits and fractious nature of tradition and doctrine-based Christianity makes unity impossible as things stand today.  But at the same time, it is a sounding fulfilling of the end of the age.


We live in world that sees the concept of nationalism (and therefore national boundaries) as outdated, faulty, and something that needs to be done away with.

And throught the churches teaching, will be done away with by the followers of the antichrist.

Also now taught that the roles and defined behavior of the sexes should no longer have distinction. 

There is a move by the political elites and academic intellectuals to unify all people on earth under one currency, one economy, and one government. 

The so- called Interfaith movement wants us to meld all the world’s religions into one that we might have equality and peace. Tolerance is the key word by their teachings.


These newly contrived ways, while seemingly pious were nonetheless manmade. And therefore these new ways accomplished little (in God’s eyes) except to make the captive Jews feel less uncomfortable but more religious in their foreign surroundings. 


What about the Jews? Are they on the right path?


Because of sin and rebellion in their lives:

Prayer replaced animal sacrifice. 

Houses of meeting and worship were created in lieu of the Temple gatherings. 


Much later these new houses would be called synagogues.


 Non-priests or at least non-practicing priests became the new worship and religious leaders. 


These new ways were the beginning of Judaism and in some cases the end of actual Torah observance.


It is man that makes the false religions, ceremonies, and doctrines. and man must come out of it


In fact in the Book of Esther, even in Daniel (who lived through the Babylonian period and on into the first part of the Persian period, just before the time of Esther) we do not hear of any of the Biblical Feasts or Holy Days being celebrated  or of the Sabbath being observed. All of that had already been lost.


The younger Jews due to captivity and in a foreign land,  had never seen the Temple or made a pilgrimage to it for a Biblical Feast. 

The younger generations never had the opportunity to take their firstborn sons to the Temple and to seek to redeem them as commanded by the Torah scriptures

They had never brought an animal sacrifice with them to atone for their sins and watched as a priest laid the sacrificed animal on the Altar. 


They had never been purified from uncleanness by entering a bath in which Jewish ritual purifications were performed under the watchful eye of a priest so that the living water they submerged under washed away their ritual defilements before God.


So up in Babylon the system that the Jews had formerly relied upon (the Temple and Priesthood) to keep them in good stead with God was no longer in operation.


 It was the priests who had long ago been assigned the duty to teach and enforce the Law of Moses, and they alone had the divine right to perform the atoning and sanctifying rituals that were critical if a Jew hoped to maintain harmony with Yah or God and be acceptable to Him. 


Thus up in Babylon the knowledge of the Torah, which had already greatly diminished for many years prior to Nebuchadnezzar invading Judah, nearly vanished.

 What remained were Jewish cultural traditions and customs;(kinda like denominations today) but along with it new ways were created to deal with the destroyed methods accepted by God,  so having no means to atone or purify.


 This was a Devine working that the Lord fully intended the Jews to experience, because that was as much the point of their exile as was the loss of their homes and homeland.


We need keen discernment to recognize and resist this antichrist spirit.

 Jesus predicted that deception will be so rampant in the last days that even the elect would be deceived “if it were possible” (Mt. 24:24). 

Can we now see why we are being warned through this change of fulfillment the most of the modern world can not even begin to see or even have a clue as to what it is all about.

Let the ones that have an ear, Hear what the spirit safety.


The end time Seerers…aka false prophets.

And the end time "seers" are making much money and popularity spewing out false teaching and preaching and all of this is being allowed by God.


2 Thes. 2:10-12

 10. and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 

11. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 

12. in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

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