Friday, May 21, 2021

God is Moving on a Global scale Since Covid 19

The moves of God now are moving on a worldwide scale in preparing His Judgements and His Kingdom.  Those who take the effort to study for themselves are seeing and hearing a right on time move of God to transition to world wide events. There  have been some world events, however we are now seeing the move to God to bring in the fulfillment of scriptures that will usher in the kingdom of God. It is really hard on man that fights the things now taking place.....but a lukewarm and. backslider church will not be able to make any deviation from God's moving. That group will be used to bring about the culmination of events that the true believers yearn for. 

God has went far past the words of the expert prophets now. To the discerning followers, these prophets have been exposed for what they are.  They teach a God of love that would never allow anything but love and money flow to come their way. Or that God is going to take out His believers before they have to stand for the true and God in the rapture.  It is time for the body to quit following these claimers and get in their prayer closets, leave the petty denominations, and find true followers to gather with, the Remnant that has the goods. Understand while you stay out of the gatherings to attend worldly things, it may be God helping you to have those desires to do His seperating and dividing and electing as you made choice to indulge and not take authority over those desires. It is you choice, not Gods.

God is dividing, electing, and seperating.......some to Him, and some away from Him.....just think on that for a while.  God is moving many into the perverted "gospel" man has evolved to, and is moving many of the true believers out.

In one day or moment, God allowed and used Covid 19 to change the entire complex of the world.  The entirety of the world.  Most did not even see what God has done. 

Overnight God's judgement changed the entirety of the world…….in less than 24 hrs. No one knew this was coming…Not even the "discerning church" and most of the church are still undiscerning.  Where are the pastors declaring what God is doing?  Where are the prophets that declare they can tell you how the world will end? 

To the blinded church and professors, this was just another news and common event.  But to the discerning, it is the answer longed for by those following believers.The answers the end day seers could not give to you. God answered in one day...... The event that rocked the world. The end is

No longer is the dealings just local, but the movement is worldwide, which is the state that most events will take place in these end days. The cankerworms and the locusts are soon to feed on the finances and leave just enough for a days food......(Joel 2, Rev 6 and 9) Coming diseases in the scriptures will kill as many as 1/3 of the earths population. Are you ready......or will that also just be another news item and "The new norm"?

God will not be mocked......we will reap what we sow.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Covid 19-The pathway to the Mark of the Beast

 Covid 19 Mark of the beast?

Friday, May 7, 2021

8:12 PM

I am in no way implying that Covid 19 nor it's vaccines are the Mark of the Beasts…..I am not implying in any way that if you take the vaccine, you have taken the mark of the beast.  What I am telling you this morning is that it is at least a forerunner  or pattern that will emerge……I believe in Liberty, and Liberty says if you want to wear a mask, you can, If you do not want to wear a mask, you do not have to……the same with the vaccine…….but is that the cry you hear today??? Let us procede.


How important is "Spiritual Discernment" ……….Let me answer that…..It is heaven or hell….. It is taking the mark of the beasts or not taking the mark of the beast….It is knowing the Spirit of Error and the Spirit of Truth


By the end of this study this morning, I think you will also see that The modern day church reactions to current day events is a prime example and proof of the loss of discernment in its establishment.

The church had been caught totally unawares, and still is in most venues.. They have no clue.


The one thing for you to know this morning………Our Soverign God is in full Control…….


 I submit, the modern day church will follow after the antichrist and will persecute those that do not, and the pattern is in the scriptures ( shortly ahead Jesus plainly preaches the church will be here during this)


This world is on the exact timeline and course God told us in the word, that it would be…..And God is  in FULL control…..and allowing and working as He did with the Children of Israel. It is all pattern, Type, and shadow.


The niche phrase to post covid-19 is being called, "The new normal"-The new way we are supposed to live, that I entitle Antichrist 101


We are all in this together is the cry of the TV ads…..cry of government…..


Biden says "get the shot or wear the mask" …..implication to conform or be penalized


We can conger up ideas of how foolproof we are because we are so "churchy", how immune we are, and will not conform to the antichrist…..but reality will blow most of our mind perception (I won't be fooled) out of the water…..but is it too late…….our foolish perception of our ability not to take the mark nor follow the beasts or system is out the door when it all hits……The prophets or seerers can not even get the beasts or systems right.


The Bible says that God will do nothing without first revealing it to His servants (Amos 3:7). 

God will reveal and is revealing to those who have an ear to hear what the Spirit of God declares in all of this.

So some will know


Throughout this coronavirus pandemic, to the discerning people of 

God we have been  given a wealth of foresight and revelation on how the Antichrist will operate

To the few who see, this is golden……total fulfilling of Scripture

So much is cleared up…..  a super revelation about the end time senario is open to us. Where is the cry of those prophets now, as they still do not see.


It has become clear to anyone, with half an eye open, anyone with an inkling of discernment, to anyone who has studied this Holy Inspired Scripture, can see that the Covid-19 pandemic is trumpet sounding (a warning) a ground breaking event that so mimics the reign of the antichrist and this the first groundbreaking world event that has ever been so close to the real-so close to the actual events that are to take place

Up until this time, we have never had an event that we can clearly see what is ahead for God's timeline. God is revealing….world wide


Introduction of the antichrist system, thus why I call this antichrist 101

But also a picture of those that know their God revealing through His prophets 101, but how many prophets truly are declaring this message? What says your religious leader? Your pastor?


Regardless of your views of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is one thing you should be even more concerned about. It is the response to the corona virus by government leaders and the religious order of today. A mirror of what is ahead.

A complete fulfillment for the devices of Satan. We have passed expectations of Satan.


The Covid-19 response by politicians is a foreshadow of how the Antichrist will operate and how governments will operate and the church.


And Jesus declares in Matthew 24, that This is only the beginning of sorrows, the beginning of birth pains.


He further declares that man will not have a knowing of what is taking place in this day of God's timeline


Matthew 24: 36-39 READ (Mark 13:5-8)

36  But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

37  But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38  For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39  And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.


Overnight God's judgement changed the entirety of the world…….in less than 24 hrs. No one knew this was coming…Not even the "discerning church" and most of the church are still undiscerning.

Yes, I declare covid 19 is a judgement from God.  Study Leviticus 26:13-32 to see the pattern we still see today…even if you are told the Old Testament is no longer valid. Disobedience to God carries a huge price. Changing  God's institution of marriage, all the innocent blood being shed, just to name a couple…a big price is to be paid.


How much will I submit?

It is the perfect time and actually a time to test us and let us examine ourselves  to allow us to  see how muchwe as an individual will submit to the instructions given us,, "in the name of a crisis" and how much we are willing to follow the leader……led like sheep to the slaughter.


It is clearly showing how the modern day church will totally submit to the antichrist system and even work with the Governments of that day that will throw all of their sway to the antichist and the church system will join right in

And make no mistake, this is GOD ORDAINED IN HIS TIME AND ORDER……SO I DO NOT fight this coming to pass. Jesus said, "These things must come to pass"

God is a soverign God in full control that will allow us to reap what we have sowed in this country.


Will my church follow?

We can also see how the "churches" and the religious system fell right into place during all of this (even after the Supreme Court ruled it unconstitutional to disallow church services.)


Jesus teachings says the church will be here during this time. One such place is found

In Luke 12:42-46, 

Jesus removes any doubt about the existence of the church in the last days

Contained in the parable is a self-seeking servant which refused to lead and feed the fellow servants. A Hireling..

This named instalaled leader/servant was pictured still denying his duties on the day that Jesus returns with His judgment….. but is this even taught from the Shephards who lead the sheep. No one was crying out.


It is the will of God for all to follow after Him, stand true to him, trust in Him and His word…..but we are now given a choice…….just like in the Garden….we are placed in the position to see where our trust and devotion lies.

Do not let that just float by you.


The  choice God declares or the choice antichrist 101 declares…….Decisions time.


Even notice the fights over gas this week. "Something as simple as a gas shortage, has wrecked peoples lives to fight each other over a place in line for a  few gallons of gas…….how many of those named Jesus name as One of His? I wonder how many of those were good church folk? Trust me, churchy religious folk are the meanest people in the world.

This age people can not even stand a gas shortage. 


"Try the spirits, whether they be of God or not"  1 John 4:1

How many can even see what this judgement from God is

How many preachers are declaring this is a playbook of the antichrist?

How much will we submit to the Covid  "leaders?"

How many are even praying considering whether they should submit to this or not…..the clear message is, few to none. I submit this has not even been prayed about by most of the church.


World leaders some of who are doing all they can do to avoid or minimanise this crisis in a right way…

While others taking every opportunity to make money and grab power through all of this…….What is being done below the sight of most? A perfect opportunity for a world leader or system to install itself.

The everlost "Christian" guidance who has not or has lost discernment which we are to have, Is it there, or is there no discernment to even exercise? (Last weeks studies in Corinthians)

Has it even been considered by the modern religion of church or us as individuals in the decisions and reactions that are being made during this pandemic?


As believers today, you and I are to heed that instruction to test worldly philosophies, foreign doctrines, and even new perspectives (now foreign leadership),

and ideas that come out of the mouths of politicians, celebrities, community leaders, and even pastors and religious leaders.

 We are to test everything that comes through our television sets, over our radio waves, and across our laptops and phone screens, medias of all type, even the pulpits.


A lesson to learn. You cannot seperate the Natural out of this because it is a spiritual doing. This is not accidental.

As I have said all along, this is God permitted, and  I believe is the judgement of God on this nation.

The natural man will not see the connection of this….it is spiritually discerned. GOD IS IN FULL CONTROL

Most will see not connection of this to a antichrist takeover…..just another day at the office……this could have easily been the real thing.


Masses only see a disease that is affecting the whole world…and see not the connection to the scriptures. Why? Few even connect this to anything but world events.


A little prophecy and my seeing of future days.

Look to present day economics.  Look at what the virus has done. Is this prophecy fulfilled? 

Do we consider such things of God's words of warning of things that is to come prophesied by the old prophets?


Kinda like what the locust and the cankerworm warning of Joel prophecy and the black horse riding out in Rev 6 teachings.

In the end-times application, this may possibly refer to the progressive destruction of the four horsemen of the apocalypse (Revelation 6:1-8). Verse 5 prominent



Many families are devistated and personally affected during this crisis… many businesses have shut down, jobs lost, savings eaten away. How many have lost loved ones to this disease?


Joel 1: 4 READ

1   The word of the Lord that came to Joel the son of Pethuel.

2   Hear this, ye old men, and give ear, all ye inhabitants of the land. Hath this been in your days, or even in the days of your fathers?

3. Tell ye your children of it, and let your children tell their children, and their children another generation.

That which the palmerworm hath left hath the locust eaten; and that which the locust hath left hath the cankerworm eaten; and that which the cankerworm hath left hath the caterpiller eaten.


That which the coronavirus has left, unemployment Is eating away;

and what unemployment has left, lack of goods and services has eaten away  

and what lack and scarcity has left, hyperinflation is eating away at any finances left…


Would you ever thought a 2x4 timber would cost you 10 bucks,  a piece of wafer board 40 bucks????

This could easily be the black horse in Rev 6.READ

I have to ask, how hard is this to see to open our minds of how we need to repent and turn to God.


 You would think men would see…understand…..but there is no understanding


Is it this virus that has been used of God to bring about the end days, or will it be another virus that will come along?


How close has Covid 19 or one to come, is making this closer to fulfilling?


We are also told, in Revelation 9:3-10, of an end-times demonic locust invasion. Yet, these will not harm plant life, but only unbelievers.  Only those men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads


It’s almost like Satan handed the Antichrist a play by play book and to politicians and their false prophet, just to make sure it works. The test has been set.  


Whether you believe the antichrist is a man, world leader, or a system or a beast makes little difference.  Out of these systems will come our world leader…

The beasts will rise up.


All of the modern day end times studies have been shot out of the water…….new players are now introduced.

Has any of those teaching end time studies even bringing this up?


( Just a though here, But Is it possible), There are  two new authorities that are made clear with the covid and the elections …. these are mainstream media and big-tech’s social media.)

A couple of new players in the whole of things. A revealing not yet revealed to masses until all of this transpired


Even the name antichrist reveals much in this. 


How many have prayed and ask God how they should respond and ask His leading in what and how you responded?

Have you prayed and ask God what to do?

To most, God has nothing to do with this. Just world events in the norm.


Have we prayed for leadership of what to do by trusting God?

I see masses of Christiandom sheep following the system set up by the world health organizations. Doing so with no Spiritual leadership at all. " A world leader " or a one world rule has now been introduced. 

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, it is a duck.

The system becomes what is "worshipped" and not God. Confidence is in mans way and not God's way

A new world leader for the church is just ahead. And yep, most will accept him or it.


A mark is coming.


Neither the mask, nor the vaccine proof, are the mark of the Beast. The word makes clear of the mark and how men will take the mark. The mark is worn on the hand or forehead.

Neither bring an identify the wearer as a follower of the Beast. 

Neither the mask or vacinne are a symbol of the Beast, or its or his name or number. 

The demand to wear a mask, or carry a vaccination card, does not come from a global ruler yet, but from many local and regional rulers and your fellow neighbors and friends. 

But, while neither the mask, nor the vaccination card, are the mark of the Beast, they are clearly used in the same way or at the least a forerunner.


If you do not get anything else, see that this is a seperating, a devision, an electing, and the partakers of the antichrist system will actually help separate, devide, and elect……

What people are trusting in will actually separate them from the order of God.


A System to buy, sell, work, shop……Has God allowed us to follow the world leader…….(This time, it has been voluntarty, but was unquestionably followed by masses)

While this virus nor the vaccine is the mark, but it is set up the one that is coming and the way for the antichrist  skeem to work out.


Note how people are reacting to the world dictates from WHO (world health organization) and governments across the world

We are now receiving orders from the world leader of health…….kinda like a new world leader that is to come….the beasts, the antichrist????? Open your eyes. The one world leader?


This is too good to be anything other than a world wide rehersal being played out in our own eyes and most people, and even religious peoples, have no association with end days.

All of these are end time foreshadows or patterns.


Will you take or accept the mark?

Yes, you will accept the mark of the Beast, because you have never really given your life to Christ.  Professors will not be led by God to avoid the taking of the antichrist and his system.  Being an unfaithful believer is the same as being an unbeliever.


You will accept the mark as your spiritual leaders are not leading you to understand what is taking place. You have never studied to find yourself able to discern and know the antichrist take over.


Not so much in our area but In many places, now, you cannot go into a store, a restaurant, or any place of business, or even to work, unless you are wearing a mask.


 You cannot run a business unless you enforce the mask wearing mandate. 


You must submit to these rules if you want to buy or sell. And the "Reason " is clearly made… hiding or covering up…….a reason to conform….All will have a reason to take the mark……

(See Rev 13:9-13)READ 


Through the coronavirus pandemic, we can see clearly and in my opinion,  it has been the media which aided to enforce all the unconstitutional acts committed by various governors and mayors. The medias of which you support are aiding in the loss of your liberties, which is the tool the antichrist will use and most will support in the name of a crisis. Those around us who support these acts, will promote the acts.


The vacinne  proof

The “vaccine proof” is the next step, in that it not only covers the same restrictions, but this actually identifies you personally. This is the big one. It puts you as a follower with an identity. You name is on the line.


This proof even creates seperation of the ones who have the proof and those that don't.


The demand to wear a mask, or carry a vaccination proof, does not come from a global ruler at this time, but from many local and regional rulers. Demands from those around us……our peers…… It is world systems that dictated to our leaders what to do. And the masses followed the mandates.


And even fight for the mandates… acceptance or you are part of the problem. One of which will be dealt with under the antichrist administration. We are close to this today.


 But, while neither the mask, nor the vaccination proof, are the mark of the Beast, they are clearly used in the same way possibly to prepare those that reject God and His word of a "crisis to come" The playbook is set.


Some kind of “ vacinne "proof”, which promises by an identity, to allow the Holder or submitter to freely travel and return to normal life (for those who comply). Notice the Bible says, “No man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark”. 


This  vaccination card, and the mask, are symbols to these mandates. This is a visible symbol of those that are submitting to the mandates or socio/political system.  It is just not on the hand or the forehead, yet.


Submission to fear. Submission to social pressure. Submission to tyrants. The prophetic mark of the Beast is all about submission and following the system or the man,  and this covid reaction is playing the mark of the beasts system to the smallest detail.


 No matter what we believe about the coronavirus, we need to pay close attention to how people, and governments are reacting to it. There are clearly many end-times foreshadows. The coronavirus pandemic is playing out in the same way that the beast-kingdom will gain worldwide control. Covid-19 is Antichrist 101.


God is in total and supreme control. The timeline of God is exact and we are in the exact will of God. Some to honor and some to dishonor.


Have you read a list of the ingredients that is in the vaccine?  It would be very eye opening If you would look and see what is in the vaccine. Do you know how the vaccine came about? I will let you look that one up.


There is no cure in a vaccine but certainly a lot of money….Just think on that one a while.


In All of covid, how how has this church responded, how we personally responded, how the world has responded


In the last days, the False Prophet will cause everyone on earth to receive the mark of the Beast. Revelation 13:16-17 says,

 “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Lock-downs and mask mandates were the first acts of forced corona-compliance. 


I will not get into the mask ability to stop germs. Go see the scientific statements on it……That is up to you…..Liberty allows you to wear or not wear one……

The clear message given throughout this imposed pandemic is- Obey government, Avoid punishment….. ALL  FOR THE COMMON GOOD. 

This is the message of tyranny and  the foundation on which the Antichrist builds his empire.

Are forced immunizations the next step in forced submission?


 And all this tempers the reality if an antichrist system and will make easy the  set the stage for the acceptance of the mark of the beast. 


 If the masses which have sheepishly accepted the mask, not prayed concerning what is going on, accepting the "cure" the possibility is great that these masses will also accept the mark of the Beast.


You will practice social distancing. You will walk in one direction at stores. You will contain yourself at home. You will wear a mask. You will accept the vaccination. You will accept the mark of the beast.


It is the great devide of people….political parties, familes, friends, neighbors.  

What is the great message……"we are all in this together".  All come together……all follow the leader


 If people have not any direction from God, we won’t stand against some  mayor or governor, now, how can we hope to resist Satan’s anointed one, of whom the world says (Revelation 13:4), “Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him”?


One further note- various prophecies show that the Antichrist will not have some level of authority throughout the world. While the beast-kingdom will control the entire world, it will do so by varying levels of oppression and persecution. The lines have been drawn and The countries that meekly accept tyranny now, will most likely be the most used by the Antichrist.

The peoples, the states, the countries, the churches are clearly being defined that will be the future states and rules of the antichrist


The Covid-19 pandemic, and its accompanied power grab, gives us a great foreshadow on how the Antichrist will come to power, and how he will use that power. 


Today, we will look at how the Antichrist will gain power with the assistance of the False Prophet.


Revelation 13:11-17 says, “And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon. And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men, And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live. And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.


We can clearly see, here, that it is the False Prophet who empowers the Antichrist. During this coronavirus pandemic, we can clearly see that is the media (mainstream and social) which stood with these to empower the power-grabbing politicians and seek to conform the masses.

Do with this what you will. It is up to you to hear or not.....enjoy the new Norm.

Sunday, May 2, 2021

 The Love will wax cold

Matthew 24 Verse 9-14, Jesus declares "All these are the beginning of sorrows"

Still some time left, this is the beginning of sorrows 

Sorrows have a working to do, and there is plenty of time to do that work.....

Much is ahead for all of us here……more pestilence….more hatred….

More covid 19 like events. Jesus words, "Just the beginning" of sorrows

More giving of our freedoms as a result of fear of the people....a fear so strong it rules that generation.......sound familiar? A giving of freedoms to take away our ability to worship our God.


All of this scripture is tied together……chapters and verses were added later after the 'Scriptures were written, so the flow of scripture rolls on.


Matthew 24:9-10 Love of many will wax cold

Verse 11  What will bring is about? 

     False prophets shall arise

                 Shall deceive many

            It will be a time of Great deception


Verse 12 And because iniquity shall abound, …


Matthew began with these words, “and because” which means “and consequently, since and on account that” iniquity” which means “willingly disregarding of all that God is and God teaches ........a willful violation of the law of God” “shall abound”.


Matthew shared how Jesus presented the idea of “violation of God’s law,(Scriptures) wickedness and evil” growing exceedingly in the days before His coming.


The general idea of iniquity or of acts that reflect rebellion against God is the basic one and  as specific acts that demonstrate a determined refusal to acknowledge God.


Present day in our country and the church, Sin is not only tolerated and celebrated it is actually legislated in the politics and religion of today and accepted as ok by the masses to include professing christians


We were warned by Paul, of men (Professors, make believers) would be  having a form of Godliness……..1 Tim 4:1, 2 Tim 3:1-5, 2 Tim 4:3-4

                                                                Romans 1:18-24



Romans 1- 18-24 READ


 "And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold. 


God is in full control (I pray this daily)

This world is on the exact timeline and course you God told us in the word, that it would be…..You are in FULL control…..

The only hope we have from the ruling political parties in control in Washington and antichrist spirit ruling man and the church and modern day religion spirit is you God…….

This political antichrist system has saturated to the core of the political parties in control and the church religious system.

God please help me to live above them and separate me from them. 

Let me do my part  to separate myself from these. 

Let their snares consume themselves. Let their unGodliness show me the true pattern and righteous life.

Let them be caught in their own snares and those who follow them



But he who endures to the end shall be saved" (Matt 24:12-14).