Sunday, March 21, 2021

COVID 19-God Judgement for Innocent Blood


I said when Covid 19 first came out that that disease was not in this time, an end time sign. I still stand by that

I do know Matthew 24 does say in the end days, pestilences will come in an alarming rate, but also I think by the time I get done with this study, you will understand this statement of end times.

Please note that God will not change your thinking. He will allow you to follow after whatever Bible teachers and preachers and even end day prophets. Nor will I.

Unless the Holy Spirit of God moves upon you and you submit, this study will have no effect and your world will go on unchanged. However, I ask the Holy Spirit to make real what you need to see concerning this study.


We will begin in 2 Chronicles 7:12-14

12 And the Lord appeared to Solomon by. night, and said unto him, I have heard thy prayer, and have chosen this place to myself for an house of sacrifice.

13 If I shut up heaven that there be no rain, or if I command the locusts to devour the land, or if I send pestilence among my people;

14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land

Is this Scripture relevant today?  A note needs to be added at this point. Is this Scripture relevant today? I hear preachers preaching verse 14 and declare we need to adhere to verse 14. According to modern day teaching it is to be applied to the “church” today. That being the case then verse 12 and 13 are just as relevant and true for today as verse 14. We cannot pick and choose what we count relevant with the Scriptures.

Verse 12 directly tells God’s will and thought to Solomon.  I have chosen this place…….

God is making it known that He made choice of this place and time to reveal Himself.  God begins this revelation to Solomon. Man says he can worship God just anywhere…….anytime, at the will of man. But God makes it clear as to His feelings.

God makes very specific order to His indwelling at worship—God chooses His high places-

God declares His acceptable worship.

The Israelites learned quickly that they should not establish worship places all over the land, but only “at the site that your God will choose” (Deut 12:5). 


Deut. 12:1-5

 1  These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it, all the days that ye live upon the earth. 

2  Ye shall utterly destroy all the places, wherein the nations which ye shall possess [1] served their gods, upon the high mountains, and upon the hills, and under every green tree: 

3  And ye shall overthrow [2] their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their gods, and destroy the names of them out of that place.

 4  Ye shall not do so unto the Lord your God. ( Imageless God and Religion)

5  But unto the place which the Lord your God shall choose out of all your tribes to put his name there, even unto his habitation shall ye seek, and thither thou shalt come:


Many high places God would not allow worship as the places were defiled by sin and God would not allow the use for worship.  Therefore it could not be used for God Habitation until the land was cleansed

God is demonstrating that the land is made sick, or defiled and deemed unfit for God to inhabit.


This is a very important issue for us to Know about God.  It affects all of the scriptures and God acceptance to the end of the age


Back to 2 Chronicles further truths.  First God says, “If I shut up Heaven that there be no rain”.  Let me say now, that God has purpose in all of this revelation. God does these things to bring His chosen people to a place of repentance but also uses these as judgements for sin and a judgement God had warned them of.

Individual judgement is set for a future time however God will not allow sin to go unheeded and puts His people into a time of reaping.

God reveals to Solomon I will withhold rain.  When God’s people fall into a “sickness of the land” (verse 14), I will cause drought.  Now that is true to pattern. However, the church age today, denies this pattern of God established here to Solomon.  

According to the world health organization, an estimated 55 million people globally are affected by drought each year.  This impacts 40% of the worlds population and as many as 700 million people are at risk of being displaced as a result of drought by the year 2030. Coincidence?

He then shows what happens again when His people fail to repent and their land is sick. “If I command the locusts.”  How plain does this have to be, as God says, “I command the locusts”. God reveals to Solomon, As long as the land is sick, judgement will fall..…..that is the reality. Solomon has the source of these judgements by God revealed very plainly. ‘I did it and I am doing it.” says God.

Look at the situation in the world today.  Is our lands sick? Has God’s peoples allowed His Holiness to be trampled under foot? The answer is very clear and it is a resounding yes. There is only a modern day religious form and no Godliness is in existence as a whole. Most teaching in the church system today is not true to the pattern. The religious have lost all influence in the governments and society. What God declares wrong, the church and government has accepted and make right for them. 

So according to God’s pattern here to Solomon, these things that are happening today, are the dealings of God. Drought, and Locusts? Did these things happen then, and do they still happen today?

Look no farther than Africa. Have you heard of the Locusts eating the amount of food to feed 35,000 people per day? What brings this about.


 Credit to NPR for the following headline. This NPR headline which you can look up on the web, says it really well. 

Locusts Are A Plague Of Biblical Scope In 2020. Why? And ... What Are They Exactly?


June 14, 20207:22 AM ET


You can look up this article and read it for yourself.


So God makes it very clear, “I command the locust”. 

Why? The land is sick and defiled. As you read this article listed above it is made plain that these locust swarms are very unusual.  Unusual as this is, it does not catch the wonderment of man. It is explained away as some “climate change” issue.

God did not stop there. He said, “If I send pestilence”. Look at the corona virus or covid 19 that has affected the whole world today.  The entirety of the world has been affected.

Let us go see where all of this began and to my basis of all of this.

Let me suggest a few things here.  The age of sexual “freedom” happened in the early 60’s and 70”s.  That was 60-70 years ago. Just later of that, the movement for fornication not only flowed with the “free love” movement but also the destruction of the marriage institution that God laid out in His law. A pestilence of huge proportions resulted, AIDS( a worldwide epidemic).   God laid out the marriage as one man and one woman.  It was all being changed by a generation of people. A generation of people allowed these laws to be passed and allowed Society to operate within these lifestyles and accept it as a “Norm”. All of these are clearly violation of God’s order and God’s laws, inn His Holy Scriptures.

Do we honestly think God will allow all this to go unnoticed?  Fornication has polluted the land.

We see that generation that accepted all of this and legalized all of this is the now aged population. What age group is most affected by this pestilence?

The allowing of Abortion occurred in China a few years before the legalization of the abortion laws here in the U.S.

It is my understanding in China, a mandate was issued that only one child was allowed. If a family became expectant with the second child, it was aborted. Then two children was allowed. But again, if the family came with child after the two, the child was aborted. It had become so accepted, that if the sex of the child was not male, the female child would often be aborted by the family and another attempt at a male child was attempted. 

Remember this phrase. “Innocent blood”. Abortion is the only capital punishment that the victim is always innocent. “Innocent Blood”. The generation that passed and allowed all of this is now the Older generation. Have we snared ourselves? Have our own devices caught up with us?

It is fitting that this Covid 19 started in China. 

We are told it was from consuming bats which is an unclean animal.  (So you think the Old Covenant and its laws are dead? Not relevant for today?)   But so fitting that this was the starting place of this, pestilence. All the innocent blood that has been shed and spilled on that country cries out to God.

Could I call it judgement?”   A flood of innocent blood in my observation has polluted the land in China. Sadly it is not better in this country of the U.S.A.

America soon joined the ranks and caused a worldwide acceptance of abortion.   This happened in 1973. That was 49 years ago.   The people that were in lawmaking decisions was in their 60’s and older. So add this simple math problem up and you can find us ,the “Older generation”. Us, the ones who allowed this acceptance and passage of the laws that pollute the land, and as was with China and multiple country’s of the world, our land flows with innocent blood. 

Look now to the ages that are most affected by Covid 19. Coincidence? Or judgement? Not such an off the wall suggestion is it?

A huge note here of well intended, but in error end day teachers.  It needs to be said here, that most of the Americanized gospel, the modern day prophets lay all of the scripture of 2 Chronicles 7:13-14 to end time signs.  I suggest it should be prayerfully considered by readers, “Is this the judgement of God” and not end day signs?                                                                                                      

 I know that does not sit well with the “prophets”. Yes, some of these things will appear in the end days, but the God that declares the land is defiled is also the God in control. This defiled land will not go unnoticed by our Sovereign God. We are warned in the Holy scriptures, to watch carefully those who constantly say “this is Christ” or “Christ is there”.  I really know of few to none in this “grace age” who are revealing the “judgement side” of God. But there are many that lay claim to be seers or prophets. 

Note how that even the children of Israel could not worship on just any mountain or hilltop.

 Deut. 12:1-5 God and God only designated mountain top places to worship. Many hill tops were not allowed for worship as they were defiled by the sin of man. Yet man today thinks he can pollute the land and still build a tabernacle to God and gain His acceptance. It is easy to see the land can be defiled and polluted to the point God would not use it.

How can a loving God do this? 

The old prophets and God followers knew who was in charge of all. They knew far more than the top brass of todays religious institutions. They had no doubts about who was allowing or bringing about what.  When will we learn this?


Look to the example of Job.  

Job 1:20-22

20 . Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped,

21.  And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord .

22.  In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.


Can I suggest that Job realized it was God that allowed this?  If you read this account, Job never blames Satan for his loss and attacks. He puts the Supreme God of his life, in the source of his loss.                                                                                                         

I know that does not line up with the modern day Americanized, denominationalized Gospel, but God’s word does not lie.

 It may not line up with your Gospel, but that makes it none the less God in Charge.

Now read 2 Chronicles 7 and does the knowing of Job line up with the word in 2 Chronicles? Sure does. 

It is amazing how this generation has sucked up the “God is a good God” gospel that God’s grace is being allowed and He just allows people to sow “innocent blood” to the point that the land drips with that blood and has the “grace” idea that God will not deal with their sin. The “grace of our present day religious system” is guilty and responsible of millions of innocent blood deaths.  Little to no cry is being sounded. There should be watchmen on the wall screaming out for the condition of the “Grace Preaching” today. 

This land is dripping with innocent blood and we will reap what we have sown. The land has been deemed sick and God will not allow it this to go unpunished. 

God has never allowed a people to get by with defiling the land and neither will our generation.

Numbers 35:33. Do not pollute the land where you live, for bloodshed pollutes the land, and no atonement can be made for the land on which the blood is shed, except by the blood of the one who shed it. INNOCENT BLOOD

Isaiah 24:5 The earth is also polluted by its inhabitants, for they transgressed laws, violated statutes, broke the everlasting covenant.

How plain does the Bible need to get?

Leviticus 18:25. And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.


Innocent blood cries out                                                                                                    

In the book of Genesis, I can not find any words, that Abel spoke and was written down, however, in Genesis 4:10-11, the righteous innocent blood of Abel cries out to God. His innocent blood cries out a message loudly to God, a voice God heard and hears today. 


The same cries of innocent blood that flows in clinics all over the world today. How many murdered unborn children who have no voice in their deaths, have blood crying out to God to avenge them. Their blood has defiled the land. God says He will require reckoning in Genesis 9:5. The Cain and Abel story continues today in this world, and the results will be the same.


Genesis 9:5.  And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man.


 Results of innocent blood at the Flood 

As Genesis records it, this first human death, Cain’s murder of Abel, anticipates widening violence to come to the point that will pollute the whole earth. Eventually the whole earth becomes “corrupt” and “filled with violence” (Gen 6:11), and God uses a flood to kill almost all living beings (Gen 7:7-23). 

The results of innocent blood crying out.  After God makes a new start with Noah and his family, God promises to “require a reckoning for the blood of the slain. (Gen 9:5)


So what does Job, Noah and the Scriptures suggest and the people who know the true God?  

God has brought the locusts, and God has brought the pestilence. The innocent blood of the unborn has not gone unheeded

The destruction of the family plan that  God laid out for one man and one woman has not gone unheeded.The day of reckoning has arrived.

The New Testament too bears out this same truth of God. In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul shows how this Old Covenant truth is still in effect in the New Covenant as  23,000 people fell in one day for the defilement of fornication.   Fornication is as much a sin today as it has always been.  Do you really believe that we are today exempt?

I know this Is not popular, however revealed truth is truth.

No one should think that I take one death from the COVID 19 cold heartedly. I have not said nor insinuated that all that had COVID was guilty before God of fornication nor innocent blood. What I have declared is the generation that allowed all of this is the age that is most affected. What conclusion do you draw?

 One closing note: those who voted to put in office these officials that pass laws to allow the innocent blood to flow and those who did not get out and vote to prevent these people getting into power…..let me say, I would not be in your shoes for any amount of fame or money. Unless you plead grace and forgiveness, I truly believe your sins will be accountable to you.

Just my thoughts. Yeah, I believe the innocent blood has brought out the retribution of a Sovereign God



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