Saturday, July 4, 2020

No Satan influence in our life

Millennium 1000 years shows a life without the influence of Satan.

We talked last lesson of “why Satan will be bound the 1000 years of the millennium reign of Christ.”

I will suggest the answer here again.Satan’s absence certainly is not without purpose. 


We cannot blame Satan for our evil  thoughts which produce evil actions, as He does not control our thoughts.


Our thoughts are by our will. I say again, Our thoughts are subject to our will and certainly our actions are by our will also.


2  Corinthians 10:5

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.

Read the whole chapter. We do not walk after the flesh……


We choose evil or good by the means of our own will.  We do need to understand, yes, the evil one can influence our choices, but it is our will that “pulls the trigger”


You make the choice of obedience or disobedience…..oh if we could stand before God and blame Satan for our failures.


Not your teachings of this age of fable sermons, but the fact is none the less true and every righteous person is a prime example of it.

There is inclination to sin or inclination of evil still within us whether we are “ Born again” or not.  


 Paul even declared in the book of Romans, how he wanted to do good, and the evil he did not want to do, and as us, Paul battled the influence of the evil one daily. He knew God’s order. (see teaching on Canaanite woman for “God’s order)


Romans 7:19

For the good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.


Our righteous living is in Christ… by the guidance of the HOLY GHOST power of God.


It is how we “will” is the problem.


The millennial Kingdom shows is a lot of that evil inclination is within man, as In the millennium reign, Satan will be bound for the 1000 years and man will be able to experience life  without the influences of evil.

What can man see in this God action?
Men will then see that it is and was possible to live right choices without giving in to the temptations and influence of evil or Satan. 

The same choices that are available right now, but clouded by religion and fable teaching of man.

Man will get a seeing of what his Godly eternity will be.  

Man can see how life is and should have been all along…..yielding to God, and not Satan’s influences

But do not run happy yet. The proof will be when Satan is loosed again. Look at the results.

However at the end of the 1000 years, Satan will again be loosed and offer man his influences of his being and many men will follow as he rebels against God.


They will at this time have the same ability to make right choice…….the choice we have had all along, but with their “will”, will choose Satan and his kingdom and not God.

Even after man saw and experienced life without Satan, and lives under the righteous Kingdom with the very Son of God, ruling and reigning as the righteous and just King, 

they will still make the wrong choice of God verses Satan. Even after man lives with no influences of Satan, man will still succumb to Satan’s influence even after living free of it for 1000 years. 

Remember Satan got one third of the angels who had only experienced God to that time to follow him. Their will took  priority over the will of God. They lost their relationship with God by their own will. They chose to follow Lucifer.


In our time, we fail many times to understand, that God breathed “Spirit of Life” into man. A separate spirit than the indwelling  work of the Holy Spirit….the image of God likeness……

So that breathed in ManGave  at least the ability to have  a conscience, and makes man able to choose right from wrong.


There was no law given until Moses…..but man lived with a guidance until then…..


If you think of it, unrighteous men can do good.  That ability is in them. So choice is in all man. None will stand in “that day” and declare they did not know good from evil. And sadly good righteous men can do bad…..


God does place in us who are redeemed and truly seek Him, the Holy Spirit of God.  Since there is a Holy Spirit, there also dwells an unholy spirit. Both seek to guide and lead us. It is your choice which one gets control.


Again due to myth and fable preaching, we fail to understand evil. Evil gives us a choice morally. 

No the devil did not make you do it. Our “will chose to do it. Evil is the opposite of good. So evil comes or abides in where good is. (More on that later)


Satan is given so much false power. Satan certainly is not even close to having the power of God.

Satan does not even posses the power of Michael the archangel as that same archangel warred with Lucifer and Lucifer was cast out of heaven by Michael. So yes, Satan has the ability to influence, but not overcome. Walk in to a dark room and turn on the light and the light wins. Darkness becomes when light is cut off. Darkness is there.

Allow the light of God shine in us and the darkness is dispelled

(Isaiah 14:12)

(Ezekial 28:11-19)

(Rev 12:7-9)

Press on saints of the most high God, endure. Jesus is coming with sickle in hand.


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