Monday, December 30, 2019

They will need to find another reasoning.

Many will say that happenings in the Temple destruction was the fulfilling of many unfulfilled scriptures concerning the end times. It is said by those that these things were "fulfilled" with the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. It is declared by them as truth.

It is very easy to distinguish if that is true or not. It does not even take a rocket scientist to declare it.
Just look in Revelations chapter 13.
That Holy inspired scripture demands a talking image set up in the temple. It requires the "Mark of the Beast", and it also requires a healed head wound.
Did any of that happen yet?

Jesus declared the Great Tribulation would not occur until we see the admonition of desolation, standing in the Holy Place. It is to stand 1,290 days.
Did that occur in A.D. 70?

I suggest nothing close to this happened in the temple destruction.

All of the dead in 70 A.D. do not even come close to the deaths of the millions of babies aborted each year.

Pay attention dear Saints of God. We live in a day of deception. Pay attention. Teachers will deceive and the "Church" has so little teaching, it is easily deceived by these.

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