Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Millions gone?

Just a note here.  
Many will scoff when I say that only hundreds and maybe even thousands will be “ caught up” in what religion calls the rapture. The very idea boast that our generation is going to be greater, more believing than any other generation.
Get a reality, that the Bible nowhere teaches of a last day generation that grows more Godly and believing. The Word clearly teaches the opposite and teaches of a generation totally ignorant of Believing. 
It will be a people far away and strangers to the believing of Christ, and following a form of Godliness but denying the power thereof.  What were we warned? From such turn away.
Do not get caught up in the hype religion is shelling out to this generation.  There has never been more than a remnant anywhere of those that follow God. And there will not be today.

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