Thursday, June 6, 2019

Cliches are False Doctrine-Create Unsaved Church attendees

It amazes me to hear the cliches Preachers use, that are totally unscriptural when trying to get people “saved” into the Church system.
If you attend church you have heard them.  How about this one? “Give your heart and life to the Lord”
After telling them that they are sinners who need to be saved, and Christ died for them, then they are told what they need to do in order to be saved is to “give their life and heart to the Lord”.  And they are told that if they do this, God will save them. And you will always get the “Age of grace “ thrown in with it somewhere.
Wow, this IS NOT God’s requirement for Salvation.  That is not even terms you will find in justification unto life.
Giving one’s heart and life to the Lord, is not what faith in Christ’s work is all about.
Salvation is not giving God anything! It is an issue of receiving a gift from God.  We give nothing in exchange for salvation. Salvation is 1 Corinthians 15;1-4 period.  Faith plus nothing!

1 Corinthians 15:
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

These scriptures say it all.

Christ’s redemptive work on the cross and nothing else.
The phrase or cliche used is not only absurd, it is nothing but false doctrine. Try another gospel.  Try a spirit of error. I can go on and on. 
Your soul is on the line. You better listen to the rightly divided word of God and not some cliche that sounds good in an altar call.  God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ alone as one’s all sufficient Savior.

Heard this one? Turn from your sins and receive Jesus Christ into your life.  
An unsaved man has no capacity in his life to accomplish turning from sin. Until the “new man” which is created in righteousness and true holiness, can a person turn from sin. This can only come through redemption work of Christ in us.
But yet, this man is told that he had to do the turning from sin in order to be saved.
If you can do something about your sins, what do you need a Savior for?
Christ has taken care of the sin issue and it is nothing we can do of ourselves. The gospel is not you doing something about sinning, the issue is you are a sinner who can not stop sinning, or make up for your sins, but Christ has paid the sin debt and penalty of your sins Himself, and all you can do is to put your faith in the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. 
Again your works will not save you.And again, God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ life, death, burial, and resurrection, alone as one’s all sufficient Savior. Your works will not be and can not be counted for righteousness 

Here is another one used.  Invite Jesus into your heart.
This one is used in songs and is very popular. It fails to declare to anyone that faith in Christ as one’s Redeemer is the issue at hand. In fact, it does not describe that faith in Christ work is at all.
Again 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, the gospel of Salvation as required in this age.

Faith in Christ as our Savior is not inviting Him to do anything. It is the issue of trusting in Him for what He has already done to provide for you and I salvation.
If anything, it is God doing the invitations. It is His Spirit that we must be drawn by, Not our invitation call unto Him. The inviting is on God’s part.  This cliche even distorts that part. Again clear misuse of Scriptures, and mistrust of the Gospel servant that will even use that cliche.
Once again, God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ alone as your all-sufficient Savior. 

Your works cannot be, and will not be, counted for righteousness.

And finally to name only four of the most popular cliches, is, “Make Jesus the Lord of your life”.
Making Jesus the Lord of your life is a Christian reasonable service issue and not a salvation issue at all. Surrendering one’s will to Jesus as Lord and allowing Him to control the details of your life is what the life of good works that God created us unto in Christ Jesus is all about. One has to be created in Christ Jesus before he can make Jesus the Lord of his life.
Making him Lord though is not how God saves us at all.  Once again, God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ alone as your Saviour. Again 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4.
I am sure there are many more. These are just a sampling.  Salvation is the most important issue in our life. I am not going to take the word of a preacher or anyone else to tell me, I am saved and on my way to heaven.  I am going to know the word for myself and be sure my Salvation is based on God's plan and not that of a well meaning word twisting churcher.  No room for error here.

I have said it for years and will until I am finished with my course.  The church houses are sitting full of lost but religious people. How many have only responded to a cliche instead of the Gospel of Christ. God help the ministry that puts cliches into the church house. God help the church that does not as the Bereans and proves what the scriptures say.
They know not the word, and are lead by anyone and everyone that calls themselves preachers.

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