Thursday, June 6, 2019

Cliches are False Doctrine-Create Unsaved Church attendees

It amazes me to hear the cliches Preachers use, that are totally unscriptural when trying to get people “saved” into the Church system.
If you attend church you have heard them.  How about this one? “Give your heart and life to the Lord”
After telling them that they are sinners who need to be saved, and Christ died for them, then they are told what they need to do in order to be saved is to “give their life and heart to the Lord”.  And they are told that if they do this, God will save them. And you will always get the “Age of grace “ thrown in with it somewhere.
Wow, this IS NOT God’s requirement for Salvation.  That is not even terms you will find in justification unto life.
Giving one’s heart and life to the Lord, is not what faith in Christ’s work is all about.
Salvation is not giving God anything! It is an issue of receiving a gift from God.  We give nothing in exchange for salvation. Salvation is 1 Corinthians 15;1-4 period.  Faith plus nothing!

1 Corinthians 15:
Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand;
By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.
For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures;
And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

These scriptures say it all.

Christ’s redemptive work on the cross and nothing else.
The phrase or cliche used is not only absurd, it is nothing but false doctrine. Try another gospel.  Try a spirit of error. I can go on and on. 
Your soul is on the line. You better listen to the rightly divided word of God and not some cliche that sounds good in an altar call.  God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ alone as one’s all sufficient Savior.

Heard this one? Turn from your sins and receive Jesus Christ into your life.  
An unsaved man has no capacity in his life to accomplish turning from sin. Until the “new man” which is created in righteousness and true holiness, can a person turn from sin. This can only come through redemption work of Christ in us.
But yet, this man is told that he had to do the turning from sin in order to be saved.
If you can do something about your sins, what do you need a Savior for?
Christ has taken care of the sin issue and it is nothing we can do of ourselves. The gospel is not you doing something about sinning, the issue is you are a sinner who can not stop sinning, or make up for your sins, but Christ has paid the sin debt and penalty of your sins Himself, and all you can do is to put your faith in the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. 
Again your works will not save you.And again, God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ life, death, burial, and resurrection, alone as one’s all sufficient Savior. Your works will not be and can not be counted for righteousness 

Here is another one used.  Invite Jesus into your heart.
This one is used in songs and is very popular. It fails to declare to anyone that faith in Christ as one’s Redeemer is the issue at hand. In fact, it does not describe that faith in Christ work is at all.
Again 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, the gospel of Salvation as required in this age.

Faith in Christ as our Savior is not inviting Him to do anything. It is the issue of trusting in Him for what He has already done to provide for you and I salvation.
If anything, it is God doing the invitations. It is His Spirit that we must be drawn by, Not our invitation call unto Him. The inviting is on God’s part.  This cliche even distorts that part. Again clear misuse of Scriptures, and mistrust of the Gospel servant that will even use that cliche.
Once again, God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ alone as your all-sufficient Savior. 

Your works cannot be, and will not be, counted for righteousness.

And finally to name only four of the most popular cliches, is, “Make Jesus the Lord of your life”.
Making Jesus the Lord of your life is a Christian reasonable service issue and not a salvation issue at all. Surrendering one’s will to Jesus as Lord and allowing Him to control the details of your life is what the life of good works that God created us unto in Christ Jesus is all about. One has to be created in Christ Jesus before he can make Jesus the Lord of his life.
Making him Lord though is not how God saves us at all.  Once again, God’s sole requirement for justification unto eternal life is faith alone in Christ alone as your Saviour. Again 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4.
I am sure there are many more. These are just a sampling.  Salvation is the most important issue in our life. I am not going to take the word of a preacher or anyone else to tell me, I am saved and on my way to heaven.  I am going to know the word for myself and be sure my Salvation is based on God's plan and not that of a well meaning word twisting churcher.  No room for error here.

I have said it for years and will until I am finished with my course.  The church houses are sitting full of lost but religious people. How many have only responded to a cliche instead of the Gospel of Christ. God help the ministry that puts cliches into the church house. God help the church that does not as the Bereans and proves what the scriptures say.
They know not the word, and are lead by anyone and everyone that calls themselves preachers.

Monday, June 3, 2019

Luke 19:11-27.

Luke 19:11-27

This is Luke’s first teaching of the fact Jesus would leave and then return again.
Also of the receiving of the Kingdom

In verse 11 we are told that the reason the parable that was shared by Jesus was because he was near Jerusalem and people thought the kingdom of God was going to appear immediately.  This is Jesus’ last time to come to Jerusalem.

Verse 1 tells us that Jesus is in Jericho as he tells this parable, a town on the way to Jerusalem where we saw the salvation of the Lord come to Zacchaeus.

If we will note all of this parable contains time elements:
    He will leave
    He will receive His Kingdom
    He will return

There is a time for all of this.  It is not left up to whims. Days of work are set, and days of accounting are set. This is all a message our Lord is giving to those that can hear what He was saying.

A future study to be put up will address why Jesus spoke in parables. It would be good for the reader here to stop and look up the following verses:

    Matthew 13:11-17
    Mark 4:10-12
    Luke 8:9-10

Jesus taught in parables because of the rejection of those he taught, to trust in Him as the Messiah. In short order, UNBELIEF. It is no different today.
Unbelief separates from God. (Romans 1:28)

Just a note here that all of this is prophesied in Daniel 7:13-14

“I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.” (Daniel 7:13–14)ESV

Before he leaves, he gathers 10 servants and gives them portions of money (something close to 4 months wages)

There are two peoples in this parable.
    Servants-verse 13
    Citizens-verse 14
Both are together in parable but separate in nature, however, both combined in meaning from our Lord and meaning of this parable.

These servants that have been called and given money to take care of in the absence of this nobleman.  As this parable unfolds, the Lord is fixing to enter into Jerusalem and these gathered around him, are sure that the KIngdom that he is going to set up, will happen as He enters into Jerusalem. Rome will be cast out and a new kingdom will be set up.This would be the kingdom prophesied by all the prophets and Moses who had told of this kingdom. However, much was to learn of this by the master. ( verse 11)

The nobleman parable lets them know quickly, he is going to go away, stay gone to secure his kingdom, and then return. This is not what they thought nor expected. And the same today. Men do not know.

That should be quite eye opening to these hearing the parable. What they expected is not going to happen as they think. It is all settled at the determinate counsel of God before the foundation of the world. If they would listen, they would hear, and they would know.

What are these to do with the money he leaves them. Verse 10 says they are to “Occupy” until he returns.

Basically they were to "engage in business" until he gets back. This is a test for them, and they really do not know it.

It is interesting now to note in verse 14 as this parable unfolds, another class of followers turn up. We are now introduced to “His citizens”.  They wait until the nobleman leaves to declare to him, we hate him….and we will not have this man rule over us.
Wow, what a statement. But yet many say the same thing today.
We will not accept his Kingdom.  We will see how that plays later.

I can say with that statement, Their unbelief did not alter the nobleman in any way. Their choice to not have this man rule, does not affect the plans of the nobleman….not in any way, shape, or form.
It would be interesting to know how these felt having declared this.  Can not help but wonder their attitude having made their opinion made.
Another of the time element shown here.  The returning king will deal with that in his time.

In verse 15, He returns and has with Him the kingdom.  Also with his return he now commands for the servants to come together and give an account of how they “engaged in business” while he was gone.

This parable is to be applied to people who believe they are the Lord’s servants-not unbelievers.

There are two sins that are noted in this parable, which really will be seen in the end to be one sin. What is the sin of the servant in verses 20-23? His sin is doing nothing.

You will see that the thing he is requiring is nothing but FAITHFUL in VERY LITTLE.(verse 17)
This is not about money. The money was just a little thing or called very little.  This small amount of money meant little. It was just a small matter to the returned king… was faithfulness he was holding the servant accountable for.  They were being tested for authority in this kingdom.

What have you done with the gospel that has been given you and left for you to “engage in business” until our Nobleman returns?

The first two servants passed their accountability. However in verse 20 we find the third servant had simply hid and sat on the money and gained nothing for the King.

The focus of the parable rests on the third servant in the story.

Look how in verse 21, this slothful servant accuses the King for all of this. For I feared you, because you are an austere man. This is your fault for expecting too much of me.
Wow, the blame is to the king, not the slothful servant himself.

Notice how the king responds. I will judge you from your own lips, your own words.

Judgement is coming. It is sure. Accountability is sure. Judgement is set for those who are called and chosen.
For these servants, judgement was set.

A servant is one who follows his king or his master.This was nothing but a proving and trying of servants to the king relationship. What the king requires has come home in the kings’ return.

This servant was judged unable to carry out the tasks given and all was stripped from him. He sat judged.

It is an interesting thing to see in verse 13, that he called up 10 servants, and only three are used in the analogy.
“Many are called, but few are chosen”

Notice now we have one more group here that the king must deal with. This is a group or a remnant if you will, that thought they would stop the king and his kingdom, by refusing to be subject to the king. “We will not have this man rule over us”

Verse 27 seals their fates. Bring those citizens, ones who are citizens of my kingdom, who refuse to have me as their king.
Remember back, these changed nothing for the king. Their refusal did not alter the king nor his kingdom in any way. Their accountability is set and now judgement is passed on them. All in the kings timing.
“But those My enemies, which would not that I should reign over them, bring hither, and slay them before me.”
They started out as citizens, but ended as enemies.

Another discussion must be added, Acts 3: 19-21. The Kingdom in Acts. No study on the Kingdom is completer without this scripture. We will add that later.