Friday, February 12, 2021

God’s Intent for Offerings

 Exodus 25 Free will offerings.

The Scriptures make offerings very clear to promote God’s works.

Vs 1-2 kjv

1.  And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying,

2     Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take my offering

The offerings God put His stamp of approval on is very plain and clear.

Notice what was not said:

     No tithe

     No 10%

     No soliciting-no begging

     No seed faith plantings

     No Penny drives.

     No sacrificial giving

     No “moneythons”

     No CD’s,  tapes, booklets, or Jewelry gifts, 

It was a free will offering.

Also notice no one gave that really did not want to give. It was only an offering by people who had a heart to get an earthly dwelling place for God.

Those who love their money were not invited. God made clear provision for them to keep it all.

At our assembly we do not pass offering plates. I do not bring up moneys. We only want free will offerings. Widows mites are not denounced  in our assembly. Free will offerings is our plan of collecting of moneys.

We have never been late on one bill, or delinquent in any way. Our building is paid for, our land is paid for, and all given by free will offerings.

Is workings.

 But I can tell you we sure need God.

I know that is not the way of todays religious system, but truth is truth.

I will get blasted for this, but I question anyone begging for money to keep their ministry afloat. That is not God’s way. See how He sent out the 70. Read the Bible instead of following tradition and man’s way. God’s people are not beggars.

Oh well, I am not a popular fellow anyway. Really do not seek to be.’

If you love your money, keep it. Do not give anything. Love your moneys.

But God made real His way, and does not stray from it in the building of the Tabernacle, nor the building of the true Church today.

Saturday, February 6, 2021

More On Climate Change

 When God finished the creation of all things, He says, “it was all good.”

When you look into verse 5-6 of Genesis Chapter 2, The perfectness of the garden is revealed even more. 

5.  And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the Lord God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground.

6.  But there went up a mist from the earth, and watered the whole face of the ground

Notice at this time, no wild plants or bushes have been brought forth. Repeating from one of the other studies, God planted this garden Himself. It was a place of unequaled holiness.  It is God only that declares and makes Holy. Mans attempt of Holiness is religion.  You can certainly see the difference in ones life.....whether it God’s Holiness or mans attempt at Holiness.
There was nothing but perfection here.  But also there was no man to “till the ground”. In verse 15 of Chapter 2, God gave man the duty and responsibility to “dress and keep it”.  Adam had a couple of responsibilities. One was to dress and keep the garden located in Eden. The other was to “Do not partake of any of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil.”  This was Adam’’s “Law” given by God. He was required by God to do all of these, to be in right standing with God. I know in the modern day religious system, there are no requirements for obedience required according to the teachings of a so called church system.

So the garden planted by God, perfect in every way, witnessed as good by God, must be kept and maintained.  I can not get into it here, but being planted in the garden, maintaining that planting of God, related to our individual lives, but more on that in later studies.

As most Sunday school children can tell you, Adam sinned. Paul says it best in the book of Romans 8:22-23 
22.  For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
23.  And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

The failure of Adam to obey one of the God requirements plunged not only man, but all creation into a deterioration that will ultimately end at the destruction of the heaven and earth.

Man was given dominion over the garden and even the earth. Another of God’s commands to Adam was for Him and Eve to (Genesis 1:26) “have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the fowl of the air, over the cattle, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”

So man was to go outside the Garden of God, and use God given dominion to keep, dress, dominate the animal kingdom and the whole earth.  Not just the boundaries of the garden.
I have failed to mention, that this garden was the place where God came to this earth. It had to be completely pure and holy for God’s presence to be there. And it was just that.

Make this note right now. Man and animal was in a perfect and holy garden, with the presence of God.....and man messed it all up. He separated himself from the Presence of God.  Sin separates us from God.  It is not fate, predetermination, predestination, for any other factor. God was in presence, and man chose sin over the presence of God.
The dominion of man over the animals, over the fish of the sea, over the earth, the “dresssing and keeping” all was lost at the desire of man over the presence of God. 

When the garden was no longer dressed, the harvest of man rotted, the bushes became wild and unruly. Animals became aggressive to man. To put it bluntly, man lost it all. He is now outside the garden and outside the presence of God. He stands at loss of dominion of this world.

It is so human to think that man is so powerful that he can undo the perfectness of God. To take the original creation of  God and man thinking he has the ability to destroy it.
No, man can not undo God. It was sin that stripped this earth of its ability to last forever. Man can only now take a corrupted earth that he has no dominion over and try and heal it, only to find that sin will eat away at this corrupted earth until it will be completely destroyed.

Go to Joel chapter 1 and read what happens to the earth when men separate from God. Verses 10-12 states the field is wasted, land morns, corn is wasted, oil languished, the harvest of the field is perished, the true vine is dried up.....and on and on. What was the answer Joel gives? Vs 14. “Sanctify a  fast, call for a solemn assembly....” in other words your sustaining earth and harvest is failing because you have fallen.”

No amount of repair will fix the problem of a decaying and earth that is destroyed because  it is not green gases that are destroying the world, It is sin. And man will not accept that fact. 

So get rid of fossil fuels, cut no more trees, but the result will be the same. This earth is on a collision course with dealing with the sin of man. An earth so rotted, it can only be destroyed.

Now do not think I do not think we should not take care of creation. I do. However I also know the cause of all this. Sin!!