Monday, May 20, 2019

Bad Time for Religious teachings

Current affairs and events are creating quite a headache for most of the church teachings.  The current events just are not shaping up as the teachings of many of the church has been taught. So much confusion and bewilderment is in the people of the church.
The leaders of the groups are having to change and adjust the teachings to keep up with all that is happening, without the teachings looking as false doctrine.
Let. me ask you this.  Is all this teaching bringing us to Ephesians 4:13 that declares the doctrines should bring us into "a perfect man, where we ALL come into the unity of the faith?"
Sadly the teaching of the religious groups has divided the church into hundreds of different religions and, somebody is missing it.

It is not my job

As members of the Body of Christ, we are not under Devine orders of any kind, to bring in the Kingdom of Heaven, usher in or bring about the millennium,  or bring back the King.  The King will do that and take care of that and all of His enemies, when the fullness of time comes in.

Saturday, May 4, 2019

God extends Grace to be told No! Part 1

Turn to Luke Chapter 13 and let us start with verse 6.  To get our minds in the right starting point, this is one of the parables of Jesus.
Why is He speaking in parables?  If you will take time to read Matthew Chapter 13, the Religious crowd had rejected the message Jesus had. In verse 13, Jesus declared I speak in parables: because they seeing see not: and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
There is so much to say here.  Romans Chapter 1 speaks of holding the truth in unrighteousness.  Rejection of the truths of declared by God and His word, will put you in a dangerous place. A place that in Romans declares in verses 19-20 that even though He showed and told them truth, clearly be blunt, willingly rejecting the truths revealed and shown.  How dangerous to provoke God in such a manner.  Look in Romans 1:26...."God turns them overs into vile affections."
Wow, destitute of God and His word.
So does God purposely withhold?  Is there a price for human rebellion and rejection?  It is plain to me.

So now you can understand Matthew 13 that this preaching in parables was to keep those who reject the Messiah from hearing and seeing.  I know that is not. popular preaching or teaching in this day and age, when the church looks exactly like the unrighteous people of the world.  Sad is the state. And look at the inability to receive Jesus into their lives. Their rejection has a price.
Now the word will not be given them. God is God. Repentance is their only hope.

I will finish this up in the next parts.